Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rosh Hashanah 4:10 part 1

(Due to the length of this Halachah, particularly in the Bavli, I'll split this up in to multiple parts.)


The order of the (shofar) blasts is 3 of 3 each, and the length of a Tekiah is like the length of 3 Teruot, and the length of a Teruah is the length of 3 Yevavot.


(What if one) says them in one breath? In a Baraita it says: In one breath, one has fulfilled the obligation. But we have learned in the Mishnah that the order of the blasts is 3 of 3 each? That is just so that one won't say any less.

Rebbi Zeira says in the name of Abba Bar Ilai, who says in the name of Rav: One needs to make a Teruah in the midst of a simple (blast) (meaning that it must be without a significant break from the Tekiah).

Rebbi Ba in the name of Abba Bar Rav Chunah (says): One doesn't need to make a Teruah in the midst of a simple (blast).

What is a Teruah? Rebbi Chananya and Rebbi Mana (gave their opinions). One said it is like trimotah (like a trumpet, which is our Teruah), and one said it is like 3 short ones (like our Shevarim).

Rebbi Chananya would be cautious to do like both opinions (of Rebbi Mana and to that of himself, i.e. he would do it both ways)

(Per the Yerushalmi, there would be a maximum of 2 sets of Shofar blasts, 1 less than we will see in the Bavli below.)

Bavli (33b-34a)

The Bavli quotes a midrash halachah in order to explain different matters. As far as the mishnah, it explains why it is 3, i.e. why a Teruah is surround by the Tekiah. The Shiur of a Teruah is like a Tekiah, and the Teruah is like 3 Shevarim. We don't know if the Teruah is short blasts or medium length blasts, so we do both.

Rebbi Abahu in Kesari decreed that we should do a set of Shevarim-Teruah, because this is the way of crying, first long wailing, and then short cries.

(This is interesting, as Rebbi Abahu, per what I have available to me, was a student of Rebbi Yochanan, so this decree was definitely before the sealing of the Yerushalmi, but it is not mentioned)

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