Monday, September 8, 2008

Rosh Hashanah 4:5

I'm going to keep things short today.


Rebbi Yehoshua ben-Korchah said: Rabban Yochanan ben-Zakkai also decreed that even if the head of the Beit Din is in any place, the witnesses should only go to the place of meeting.


Meaning the place of meeting for the new month deliberations.

Bavli (31b)

One time a woman was called before a Beit Din headed by the head of the Beit Din (Sanhedrin), who was not in the usually place of the court, and she refused. He put her in niduy. He was asked, based on this Mishnah, how he can do that. He replied that this is only for the deliberations regarding the month, not other court matters.

The Gemara now discusses the rest of the decrees of Rabban Yochanan ben-Zakkai. There are 9 total, 6 of which are listed in the Mishnah in our chapter, and 1 in the first chapter of the masechet.

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